The mighty AMDISCS just curated a mixtape for Hartzine featuring 29 rad ass tracks from the AMDISCS roster, including a new PORT CITY jam "Ambrosia" (Redux Demo). Definitely download this NOW:
01. Every - Check in Deck Trite
02. Tempelhof - Crakkhouse
03. Wild Eyes - Dark Rooms
04. Lord Boyd - Space Jordan 96
05. Red Psalm - Monster City
06. Monroeville Music Center - Panopticon Curator’s Hymn
07. Λ - Nothing
08. DannielRadall - Lil’john
09. Teams - Comfort Slave (Instrumental)
10. Nites - It is an Excuse to Get Hurt and to Hurt
11. Police Academy 6 - 1Lesb
12. BL¤¤d Ou† - †DF13. Family Den - AM Vibe
14. Teen Porn - Whori Amos
15. Chrome Wings - Wake me up When it’s Summer (Shane McDonell of da 90s)
16. Port City - Ambrosia (Redux Demo)
17. Spent Man (Maine Coons) - Cannibal Laughter
18. BL¤¤D Ou† - ¤PNNR¤
19. Λ - Tide Plane
20. Dreams - Gone
21. Lord Boyd - Your Temple
22. Faux Fur - Vukk Roz
23. Kiss Kiss Fantastic - Lovely
24. Jef Barbara - Homme Universel
25. Sensible Soccers - Have a Summer With Us (Filipe)
26. Coolrunnings - Chorus
27. Persona La Ave - Pornwave
28. Every - Flood Steps
29. Outro Every - Triangularathonanon
Check out the bad ass interview too. Google translate that shit if you have to.